US Unemployment Rate Hits Record-High Due To COVID-19

If you think the world is properly handling this COVID-19 pandemic well, think again. Even the United States of America, one of the most powerful nations on the planet, has been having a hard time dealing with the effects of...

Apple Pay Carries Your Wallet For You

Apple Pay is going to be a very advanced version of their wallet, and it is going to act as your wallet when you are using your phone. Apple Pay is going to use technology to let you make payments...

The Best City to Launch A New Business Venture- San Francico Or New York

There has been a long sanding debate of financial experts, executives and entrepreneurs over which city is the best place to lunch a new business. In the long debate the city of New York and the city of San Francisco...

Why Apple’s New iPhones Are Priced Cheaper This 2019

It’s no secret that Apple’s iPhones are some of the, if not the, most expensive smartphones of this modern world. With the hundreds or even thousands of other choices out there, and despite the ridiculous price point, one has to...

5 Reasons Why Owning Rental Property Is Worth It

It’s already public knowledge that land is a finite resource that’s always worth investing in. However, owning real estate for the sake of owning a piece of something that has a high chance of appreciating over time isn’t the only...

Exchange Trends In China Are A Mess

Exchange trends in China are a mess because they are having a hard time with exchange rates and people trading on their currency so fast that they cannot keep up. They have even tried to put a moratorium on currency...
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